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Stakeholders at the centre

Helen Zink

On Friday a team showed me how their individual strengths interacted as collective team strengths using Lego. There were plenty of planes and cars and bridges, and most importantly a feedback loop, indicating how they continually learn and adapt. When I asked them where their stakeholders were they said “throughout the model -integrated all the way through”. I asked them about specific stakeholders groups including their staff, other parts of the organisation, external stakeholders, future stakeholders, the future physical environment, and climate change. “They are all integrated they said – we are all in this together”. Love your attitude team and I’m proud you hold your stakeholders at the centre of all you do (even if you had to adjust your business plan afterwards to reflect your Lego model).

If you’d like to understand how your team’s strengths interact, please get in touch. We don’t know what insight will come from the conversation until we’re in it!

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