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A butterfly fluttering it’s wings in Brazil...

Helen Zink

Or, a casual conversation with a NZ colleague resulted

in a pro-bono coaching programme for World Vision Australia.

I was having a chat with Emilija Nikolic about clients, and she connected me with Lucie Newport at World Vision NZ. As Lucie and I talked I thought the organisation would meet the criteria for the NZ International Coaching Federation (ICF) pro-bono programme (where ICF matches credentialed coaches, willing to work pro-bono, with clients in organisations selected for the programme). I introduced Lucie to Ron de Vries who co-ordinates the programme in NZ, and the World Vision programme in NZ was launched. Lucie spoke to her colleague in World Vision Australia, and Ron, who connected World Vision Australia with Rajiv Jayarajah, MAppComm, ACC , ICF in Australia. The Australian pro-bono coaching programme was launched and the rest is history.

Sometimes we don't appreciate the positive impact we have on the world, and sometimes we find out! We rock Em, Lucie, Ron and Rajiv!

If you would like to work on your positive impact in the world, please get in touch. I'm sure either myself or my colleagues can help.

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