Leaders & Teams

Are you a new team? A new leader? In a new role? Going through change?
Dealing with a VUCAH* environment?
A few insights you might appreciate from my book
Team Coaching for Organisational Development
A shift from delivery focus to an EQ-based approach is the best way to deal with volatility and change, and stakeholders love it too!
Team and individual coaching helped the team design and embed a bespoke EQ approach that worked for them in their environment.
The team openly spoke about the leadership style they needed as a collective and worked with him on ways to support a change in style.
For more...
*VUCAH = volatile, unpredictable, complex, ambiguous, hyperconnected
One leadership style does not fit all!
In this article I argue that no one leadership style or set of characteristics are correct or better than another. It depends on circumstances. David Clutterbuck’s High Performing Team theory tells us that great leaders do what their particular teams need to perform at their best, taking into account the environment and system in which they operate.
Read more about flexi-leadership by downloading the resource below.
the leader of a team I worked with, said
The key was building self-awareness to enable me to select the style that most appropriately matched circumstances.
The critical role I played in high performance team coaching and change is one of the most significant things I learnt from this experience.
Michael, team leader
Critical role of the leader in change
In this article published by the Association for Coaching (CA) in the Coaching Perspectives magazine, I talk about the important role the team leader plays in team coaching engagements.
Roles might include - sponsoring and enabling the work in the first place, hands on involvement during team coaching session, role modelling, and facilitating collaborative ways of working.
Read more about the importance of leadership by downloading the resource below.
Team coaching approaches for non-coaches!
In this article published by Coaching at Work, a leading UK coaching publication, I provide eight team coaching approaches that HR professionals, change managers, consultants and team leaders
can apply when working with and in teams.
Not everyone has or should undertake formal team coaching training. Yet utilising team coaching skills at times is beneficial for all.
Read more about ways to apply a team coaching approach to your work with and in teams by downloading the resource below.
I noticed changes in how the team were talking to each other, how they were getting along, and how they were interacting with stakeholders.
Michael, team leader