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Real stories about real clients... 

This case study is the combination of two independent pieces of work.  One by Dr Colm Murphy, examining the effectiveness of team coaching in relation to three teams in one organisation, and my own work with one team over a three-year period.    

Hear what Colm and I have to say in this series of videos, or download the

resources below. We talk about what we found, why it happened and important implicatiations for  leaders of organisations, team leaders, OD/HR and change professionals, teachers of coaching, and team coaches.  We've also included suggestions on how tsunamis can be encouraged across organisations. 


Use of these videos outside of this website is prohibited

without express permission of Grow to be Limited.

Copywrite ©, April 2024, C Murphy & H. Zink, all rights reserved


Waves of Team Coaching (C)  


There is increasing evidence that team coaching creates wide reaching waves of growth across organisations and stakeholders.  

Video #1

Setting the scene

Video #2

What benefits?

Video #3

Why it happened?

Video #4

Implications for team coaches

Video #5

Implications for organisations

How to leverage waves & create even more

positive impact  


Resource suggesting ways to create 

ripples in teams &

tsunamis across organisations


Auckland Transport - building connection

This team of engineers was formed just before COVID hit, and as a result they never really had the opportunity to connect or bond, tending to stick to their silo’s

The style of team coaching I offer, tailored to the team and environment,  appealed to the leader. and I was asked to help.

After I worked with them, the team noticed the way they interacted with each other had changed. They enjoy spending time together, valued learning from each other, solving problems together, communicated better and collaborated more.

Auckland Transport - creating a buzz

The  Creative team's remit was providing advertising and graphic design functions, mostly outsourced prior.  The talented and energetic team weren't meeting expectations, tied up with process issues and delivery delays.

Team coaching work focused on senior members of the team.  Despite initial resistance, within a short time collaboration  and delivery improved.  A team member said "it felt like we had been given  permission to contribute and share leadership." 

The entire Cretaive team was buzzing!


Video #1

Why take the team on a

development and coaching journey?

Video #4

What is the leaders role?

Video #7

How did the leader change over the journey?

St John - new team, big goals!

Who better to tell you about the development journey of a team I worked with than the client himself!  Gary Connolly (Deputy Chief Executive Finance and Insights, St John New Zealand ) talks about his own and his team's  growth journey in the following series of 10 short videos.


This case involved a new leadership team, established post restructure. Team members had varying degrees of leadership and technical experience, most were new to leadership roles, and all were new to this new team. The team's environment was extremely challenging with multiple streams of system and process changes in play, while embedding the new structure and establishing their new roles - all at the same time. 

Hear what Gary has to say about changes he noticed in the team and himself.


Use of these videos outside of this website is prohibited

without express permission of Grow to be Limited.

Video #2

Why use an internal coach?

Video #3

How did the team take up the process?

Video #5

How important is the relationship

between leader and coach?

Video #6

How  did the team change over the development journey?

Video #8

How was success measured?

Video #9

What were the learnings?

Video #10

What is next for the team?

©2025 by Grow to be Limited 

Auckland, New Zealand

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